What is the Biblical model of evangelism? What is the difference between our role and God’s role? In this series, we outline the foundations of evangelism then transition to a gospel presentation called the Come Home presentation from Will Metzger’s book, Tell the Truth.
In this article, we explore God’s model of evangelism. Does it matter how we do it or are we free to do evangelism as we please? God in His grace has given us a guide in His word to what evangelism should look like.
This article details why the content of the gospel is not to be put to the side or completely forgotten in evangelism. Our good works are not the gospel, Jesus is. Why is the content of the gospel so important? What relationship does the gospel have to historical facts?
In this article, we explore that the Christian witness to the gospel should be evident in what we say and how we live our lives. As Will Metzger puts it in his book Tell the Truth, “The airplane of Christian witness has two wings, our lips, and our lives.”
As Christians, we want to share the awe-inspiring work of God in our lives. What God has done through Jesus Christ to unite us to himself truly is the most significant thing that has happened to us and it’s the most significant thing that could happen for anybody else.
In this article, we begin looking at our role and God’s in evangelism. Our responsibility is to proclaim the gospel with our lips and our lives knowing that it is God who is going to work in people’s hearts to bring them to faith.
There is a great problem in the world today–there are many “Christians” who profess to be in Christ and yet are far from the truth. We must examine, what is genuine conversion? In this article we answer, what does it mean for someone to truly be a Christian?
In this article, we answer, what is true faith? From the Bible, we see Saving faith is a conviction, brought about by the Holy Spirit, of the truth of the gospel and trust in the promises of God in Christ.
In this article, we note that the goal of evangelism is not the minimum amount of truth to the maximum number of people but rather the maximum amount of truth to the maximum number of people.