In this lesson, we are going to go through a three-step process to help you read, study, and apply the Bible. Be sure to stick around to the end of this lesson where I’ll share with you a free resource that will help you get the most out of your Bible study.
The Truthfulness of Scripture
Because God is true therefore His Word is true. And because His Word is true it makes good on its claims. It is without error. We can trust the Bible.
The Necessity of Scripture
Share on facebook Share Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Do we need the Bible? And if so, why do we need it? We Need Scripture Without the Bible, we would have an incomplete understanding of who God is, His work of salvation, and how to live a life that pleases God. The […]
The Authority of Scripture
To say that the Bible is authoritative is to say that it holds the final word; not science, human experience, or human reasoning. Scripture always has the final word.
The Clarity of Scripture
Share on facebook Share Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Let’s be honest. We’ve all finished reading a section of Scripture and wondered, “what did I just read?” Many of us then question whether or not Scripture is clear. Yet the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that “God is not a […]
The Sufficiency of Scripture
Share on facebook Share Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Have you ever wondered if the Bible is really able to help you with your deepest problems? Have you ever desired a specific “word from the Lord?” Maybe for a job, relationship, big life decision? These questions are concerned with the sufficiency of […]
The Inspiration of Scripture
The Bible is God’s Word. God is the source from which the Bible came. It is the Word of God. “Not that it contains the word of God, or becomes the word of God, or that the event in which God speaks to us through the Bible is the word of God” No. It is His Word, not man’s. “The Bible is unlike any other book because its ultimate Author is God.”
1. What is the Bible?
What is the Bible? The Bible is God’s Word. It is sufficient, clear, authoritative, necessary, and true.
2. Why Study the Bible?
God has given us His will, and through careful study, prayer, and reliance on the Holy Spirit, we can wisely navigate the world in all areas, including family, work, and politics.
1. The Bible
What the Bible says, God, says. The foundation of what we know to be true about the Bible is the inspiration or expiration of Scripture. It comes to us from God.
3. God
If we want to know God and see His glory His character, His person must be revealed to us. Moses asked God to see His glory but Moses heard more than He saw. He saw the back of God but He heard a beautiful, glorious declaration of God’s character. This is our God.